The next academic year 2014-2015 begins the implementation of the fifth year of the Degree in Veterinary Medicine at the ULPGC. In the degree verification report and more specifically in the matter Final degree project a new academic requirement is introduced; the student must complete an Objective and Structured Competence Assessment (ECOE).
The document has been prepared from the proposals of all the areas of knowledge involved in the competences of the degree and the student must go to different scenarios to complete all its sections.
The portfolio, written entirely in English as established by the Final Degree Project subject, is a mandatory requirement to be able to carry out the public Exhibition of the Final Degree Project. Therefore, the student will complete the portfolio during the subjects of the fifth-year supervised practice block: Clinical Practices (6 ECTS), External Practices and Mobile Clinic I (6 ECTS), External Practices and Mobile Clinic II (6 ECTS) and the electives Clinical Rotation in Companion Animals or Large Animals (6 ECTS). The portfolio is therefore an evaluation tool for these subjects. For more details on the organization of External Practices and Mobile Clinic I and II, the reader is referred to the specific page on External Practices.
We ask students not to print the document since at the beginning of the course they will be given an original in paper format that they must carry with them throughout the course until it is fully completed.