In this space you can find all the information on the Titles taught at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the ULPGC.
If you want to find information about access to the titles of the Faculty and the rest of the ULPGC, see the link: ULPGC for you. Remember that access is a centralized procedure of the ULPGC that is not directly managed by the Faculty.
Degree in Veterinary Medicine
Do you want to be a Veterinarian? for this you must have the title of Graduate / or in Veterinary Medicine. The ULPGC offers this title that enables you to practice the Veterinary profession.
General Information of the Degree (Syllabus 2010)
Curriculum (Subjects and teaching projects)
External Practices
Final Degree Project
If you are interested in improving your training while traveling abroad, do not hesitate to visit the ULPGC Mobility Plan to inform you.